Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court
We have a lot of people who want to contest a case,’ said Melissa Kohler, Upper Arlington court clerk. ‘But (in court) they have no questions for the officers. They don’t know when to object. They basically have no case.
-Narciso, Dean. Fighting ticket in mayor’s court often is futile, The Columbus Dispatch, Monday June 17, 2013.
For representation in Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court, please call Funkhouser Law at (614) 756-2154, for a free consultation.
Court Information
Upper Arlington’s Mayor’s Court, located at 3600 Tremont Rd., Upper Arlington, functions as the Violations Bureau, handling traffic violations and OVI/DUI cases. The Administrator of the Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court is Mayor Deborah Johnson. Retired judges Steven B. Hayes, S. Michael Miller, Janet Grubb and Michael Close serve as Magistrates. The Mayor appoints the Clerk of Court, Melissa Kohler. Mayor’s Court convenes every Thursday at Noon, at which time a Magistrate presides over sentencing, arraignments, pre-trials, probation revocation hearings, and financial hearings. Trials and motion hearings are scheduled for 1:00 p.m., once the arraignment docket is finished. The Clerk supervises a court volunteer program established primarily through the local American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) to assist with the weekly court sessions. Volunteers check defendants in for court and escort the defendants from the courtroom to the Clerk of Court’s office.
If you are found guilty in the Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court, you have the right to appeal your case to the Franklin County Municipal Court. You have 10 days (including weekends) from the date of conviction to enter an appeal. This process is handled in the Clerk of Courts Office.
Then there are those who don’t give up. Marc and Tracy Barraco challenged a speeding ticket she received two years ago, losing at trial in Hilliard Mayor’s Court. They appealed to Franklin County Municipal Court where she pleaded guilty in exchange for no points, no fine and no court costs.
-Narciso, Dean. Fighting ticket in mayor’s court often is futile, The Columbus Dispatch, Monday June 17, 2013.
In the case of an OVI/DUI or other serious misdemeanors, the fines, penalties, or sentencing can range from $250 to $10,000, license suspension, increased insurance premiums, vehicle forfeiture and/or jail time, so it is important to have experienced legal representation. Funkhouser Law has a great track record and familiarity with the Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court. The lawyers at Funkhouser Law provide premier legal services and representation to clients. Mr. Funkhouser and his associate personally guide clients through every step of the process—from arraignment to evidence assessment, and ensures that clients receive the most favorable outcome with the least disturbance to their lives by avoiding a conviction entirely and/or obtaining a reduction to a lower offense through plea negotiations.
For top-rated legal representation in Dublin Mayor’s Court, please call Funkhouser Law at (614) 756-2154, for a free consultation.
Court Maximum Penalties
If found guilty, the maximum penalties that Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court can assign are as follows:
1st Degree Misdemeanor
6 Months
2nd Degree Misdemeanor
90 Days
3rd Degree Misdemeanor
60 Days
4th Degree Misdemeanor
30 Days
Minor Misdemeanor
Failure to appear in court, or failure to comply with a court order, may result in your license being suspended through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
About the Area
The City of Upper Arlington is an affluent suburb of Columbus located on the Northwest side of the Columbus Metropolitan area. The City is made up primarily of residential neighborhoods with many historical homes and curving streets lined with old hardwood trees. With a population of 34,000 people covering 9.77 square miles, Upper Arlington is considered a bottleneck community with relatively large populations of both children and elderly people.
Contact the Court
3600 Tremont Rd
Upper Arlington, OH 43221
Phone: (614) 583-5060
Fax: (614) 442-4044
8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F
More information about Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court can be found below:

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