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Representing the Accused in Central Ohio Since 2000


  • High Test OVI & Reckless Operation

    The Client was charged with a Columbus OVI after being pulled over in Columbus, Ohio for speeding, going 40 miles per hour over the speed limit, 75 in a 35 zone.  After being asked to exit the vehicle by Columbus Police, our Client submitted to OVI field sobriety testing. The officer believed our Client performed poorly and placed her under arrest.  She was transported to a police station and blew over twice the legal limit. 

    After we obtained copies of the police report and and looked at video footage provided we were able to raise issues with the case to the prosecutor.

    Ultimately, the reckless operation ticket was dismissed and the High Test OVI was reduced to a lower level non-OVI traffic offense.

  • No Jail – Driving Privileges 3rd OVI

    Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

    A US Army Veteran was charged with a 3rd Offense OVI in Franklin County and charged with Driving Under Suspension after getting into a car accident.  After being arrested and charged with OVI in Columbus, the Client provided a breath test and blew over the legal limit.  Because it was his 3rd OVI in 10 years the Client, if convicted, would have been required to serve a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 consecutive days in the Franklin County Jail.  After a thorough review of the body camera video footage, our staff uncovered that the Columbus Police Department did not properly administer the breath test.  As a result, the 3rd offense Columbus OVI charge was reduced and the Client was ordered to complete probation rather than serving the mandatory minimum sentence.

  • Not Guilty at Trial F2 Felonious Assault

    Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

    A Client, who suffered from autism, was charged with F2 Felonious Assault in Franklin County. The Client had checked himself into a local hospital because he was having a mental health crisis. While at the hospital, the crisis escalated and he began to self-harm. After nurses failed to take control of the situation a security guard ran into the room, yelled profanities at our Client and then tackled him over the bed. The guard, who hit his head on the ground and got knocked out claimed that our Client assaulted him. Columbus Police failed to do a complete investigation and charged our Client with a Felonious Assault in Franklin County. The prosecutor refused to dismiss the case and the matter proceeded to trial. After a trial, the Client was found not guilty. We then acted as the Client's expungement attorney and had the case expunged from his record shortly thereafter.

  • No Jail - Driving Privileges 3rd OVI - High Test OVI

    Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

    The Client was pulled over and charged with a third OVI offense in Franklin County. After being arrested and charged with OVI by the Upper Arlington Police Department the Client took a breath test and blew a high-test OVI. Because it was his 3rd OVI in 10 years and he blew a high test (BAC double the legal limit) he was facing a mandatory minimum sentence of 60 consecutive days in jail and a mandatory license suspension of two years. After reviewing the evidence and identifying several weaknesses with the 3rd OVI case, the Upper Arlington OVI charge was reduced and the client was able to avoid any jail time and only had a one year license suspension with driving privileges.

  • No Jail - Expungable - No Sex-Offender Reg. F1 Rape and Felony Sexual Assault

    Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

    A Client was charged Rape in Franklin County after his step-daughter alleged that he had been sexually abusing her for almost a decade. In total the client was charged with two counts of Rape, Gross Sexual Imposition(GSI), and 6 counts of Sexual Battery in Franklin County. Because the allegation involved a juvenile rape victim in Ohio, the Client faced a possibility of life in prison. Our firm worked quickly to identify issues with the case and get the Client released on bond while the case was pending. Ultimately, due to weaknesses identified by our staff the F1 rape charge was reduced to attempted tampering with evidence. All other Ohio Sexual Assault charges were dismissed and the Client did not have to register as a sex offender The Client was ordered to complete probation and will be eligible to have the entire case record sealed when he completes probation.

  • Not Guilty at Trial Misdemeanor Assault

    Fairfield County, Lancaster, Ohio

    An EMT was charged with assault in the Fairfield County Municipal Court after responding to report of an individual at a halfway house who was experiencing a medical emergency. Upon responding the individual had become violent and had to be restrained on the gurney. While the Client was restraining the individual he spit in our Client's face. Our Client quickly reacted and covered the individuals mouth with his hand to stop him from continuing to spit. When he did this, it caused the individual to get a bloody nose and the Client was charged with misdemeanor assault. The prosecutor refused to dismiss the case and the matter proceeded to trial. At trial, we successfully argued that our Client was acting in self-defense and the Client was found not guilty. We then acted as the Client's expungement attorney and had the case expunged from his record shortly thereafter.

  • No Jail - Dismissal F1 Rape and Civil Protection Order

    Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio

    After escaping an abusive relationship, our Client's ex-girlfriend filed a civil protection order (CPO) against him in the Franklin County Domestic Court alleging that the Client had forcibly raped her multiple times during the relationship. After securing a continuance our firm worked closely with the Client to conduct a forensic review of the Client's phone reviewing 9 months of text messages and social media posts to obtain conclusive evidence that this was a false rape allegation. After sending a letter to the alleged victim demonstrating the overwhelming evidence in our favor she dismissed her CPO petition. She then attempted to file criminal charges for rape through the Columbus Police Department. Our office worked closely with Columbus Police Detectives to prove the sexual assault allegation was a lie. After reviewing our evidence detectives closed the case without filing any charges.

  • No Jail - Probation F1 Drug Trafficking - Firearm Specification - Major Drug Offender Specification

    Our Client was charged with multiple counts of 1st Degree Felony Drug Trafficking and Possession of Drugs in the Franklin County Common Pleas Court after he was present in a house during a raid by Columbus Police and the Franklin County Sheriff. Due to the seriousness and number of charges, along with the gun specifications, our Client faced a potential mandatory prison sentence of over a decade in prison. After reviewing evidence and discussing the case with the prosecutor's office, we were able to cause the prosecutor to have doubts about their ability to tie our Client to the drug charges. The prosecutor ultimately offered our Client a plea deal which included probation and no incarceration.